What’s On: Far


   To have your event posted send Rob Lockhart a brief write-up, with Date, Time, Location, Cost, Contact Info, and brochure/sign-up form.
To place your event, or an article, in our monthly newsletter,
Set&Link, send info to Suzanne Dubeau  by the 10th of each month.


March  29 ~    Spring Tea Dance, Kitchener

Save the date:  Blair Scottish Country Dancers invite you to their tea dance celebrating Spring.
1:30-4:30 at Historic St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Kitchener 
Light refreshments and cheerful blether will follow the dancing.

Download the programme:  2025-Blair-Spring-Tea-Dance.pdf

or visit: www.blairscottishcountrydancers.ca/

March  29 ~   Workshop & Highland Ball, Pittsburgh

Join us for the 42nd Annual Workshop & Highland Ball. Saturday 29 March 1pm-11pm

Workshop by Arthur Baum from North Carolina
Music by Highland Square
Ball theme is “Moon and Stars”

The Washington Elks Lodge, Washington, Pennsylvania

138 E. Maiden Street, Washington, PA 15301

Download the Registration Form:  2025.Pittsburgh.Ball.flyer.pdf 
Visit website: 

March  29-30  ~    San Diego Branch 50th Anniversary Weekend

San Diego Branch:  1975 to 2025. A history to celebrate!

Saturday Workshop led by Linda Henderson
Sunday Brunch & Ball

Music by Terpsichore

At historic Point Loma, San Diego

Info:  DanceScottishSD.org

April 4-6  ~    Workshop and Ball, Lethbridge

Lethbridge dancers <website> invite you to join us for an exciting weekend of Scottish Country Dancing.

• Sharon Barker, Langdon, AB  • Jody Kulas, Ottawa   • Gavin Keachie, Port Hope, ON 

•  Kathy Fraser-Collins: Ste-Anne-de-Prescott, ON (Music Director and Instructor)
•  "The Spurtles"  (Lorraine McCormick and Peter McCormick), Lethbridge
•  "Atlantic Firth"  (Karen Steven and Alastair MacDonald), Ottawa 

Venue:  Sandman Signature Lethbridge Lodge, 320 Scenic Drive, Lethbridge, Alberta <map>

For hotel info and prices: click here  or 
call 1-800-726-3626 / 1-800-SANDMAN; Sandman Signature Lethbridge Lodge Group ID #55039

April 4-6  ~    A Capital Weekend, Maryland

Save the date ! 

RSCDS Washington D.C is hosting this weekend

Guest Teachers: Graham Donald & Tracey Applebee

Music:  Thistle House  (Dave Wiesler, David Knight, and Dan Emery)

At: Benjamin Banneker Middle School

14800 Perrywood Drive, Burtonsville, MD 20866

Info:  www.capitalweekend.org

April 5  ~    Platinum Anniversary Ball, Hamilton ON

Come celebrate with your friends-in-dance at RSCDS Hamilton,
Canada’s 1st and oldest Branch !

Throughout the 2024/2025 dance season, RSCDS Hamilton is celebrating their
Platinum Anniversary —
70 years of Scottish Country Dancing in Hamilton! 

Live music by Scotch & Soda (Laird Brown & Warren Beesley).

We shall dance in the magnificent, and suitably atmospheric,
Scottish Rite, 4 Queen Street South, Hamilton

We look forward to seeing you there!

Downloads:  2025-Platinum-Ball-Save-the-Date-poster.pdf  
2025-Hamilton-Ball-fillable-flyer.pdf (Registrations are now open using this flyer)
Questions? Contact
Diana McKenzie

April 11-13  ~    Spring Fling Brighton & Hove, England

Spring Fling is a weekend of dance for young people (35 and under), organised by young people, and supported by the RSCDS Youth Services Committee. Each year the event is held in a different location and, in 2025, Brighton & Hove is host city.

Those attending can look forward to a fantastic weekend of dancing, and making friends.

Brighton and Hove is a welcoming and diverse city with pride and passion for culture, creativity, and equality. It’s a city with a pavilion instead of a cathedral.

Teachers:  • Duncan Brown   • Faye McNeil  • Gillian O'Dell  • Sara Latto

Musicians:  • Chris Oxtoby & Ann Stonehouse  • Andrew Nolan  • Adam Brady

More info and booking:  https://rscds.org/events/spring-fling-brighton-hove-2025

April 17 - 21  ~    Easter Course, Kuckucksnest, Schlüchtern

Hosted by RSCDS Scottish Dancing Central Germany Branch

Level: Advanced

Teacher: Anselm Lingnau

Musicians: Akiko Kasama and Kana Otake (Japan), Piano & Fiddle

Language: English

Total fee incl. lessons, meals, accommodation: 377,00 € for non-members, 362,00 € for members

Start: Thursday, with supper at 19:00 h

End: Monday, after breakfast    Pre-Registration

April 26  ~    Heather Spring Tea Dance, Vancouver

Saturday, April 26, 2025 1:00 – 4:30 pm
RSCDS Vancouver Branch proudly presents The The Heather Spring Tea Dance.
Put a Spring in your step and join us for the afternoon.

We’ll dance to live music by two talented musicians:  
Vienna Scheyer on fiddle and Guinevere Saenger on piano

• Grand March   • Afternoon Dance  • Elegant catered tea

Tickets – RSCDS Members $50   Non-members $60
Available online or from your club rep from March 1st onwards
Or contact
Cathrine Conings

At Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver <map>     Download reminder poster: 2025-Heather-Spring-Tea-Dance.pdf

2025: April 26  ~    Ottawa Spring Ball

Save the date: Come strut your stuff! The highlight of our year - come strut your stuff! Live music by Atlantic Firth.  More details to come.
Live music by Atlantic Firth.  
More details to come: 
RSCDS Ottawa Branch

May 16-18  ~    Pawling Weekend

Save the date:  Plan to join your RSCDS New York friends-in-dance for this ‘bucket list’ Scottish country dance weekend in a rustic campground near New York.

Details, as they develop, will be found at the Pawling website: https://www.rscdsnewyork.org/pawling-weekend

May 17  ~    Day School & Evening Dance, Eindhoven, Brussels

Save the date: Brussels Dance Scottish & Thistle Club of SCD Eindhoven invite you to a day of dance.

Teacher: Mathias Ferber (France)

Music: Bluebell Trio (Japan)  [piano, fiddle, flute — beautiful, sophisticated, unforgettable ! ]

• Afternoon Class: 14:00 - 17:00  • Dinner:  17:30 - 19:00  • Evening Dance 19:30 - 22:30

For info and registration: info@thistleclub.nl

May 23- 25  ~    Stoney Lake Weekend, in the Kawarthas

RSCDS Peterborough announce their 38th traditional, and popular, Stoney Lake Weekend:

Our guest teacher will be Duncan Keppie from Wolfville, Nova Scotia, accompanied by his daughter Ailsa.  Duncan has been a dancer, teacher, musician and dance devisor for many years; initially in Miss Milligan’s demo team at University of Glasgow.  Many will have fond memories of Maggie and Duncan’s delightful summer Scottish country dancing classes at Haliburton School of the Arts.

In addition to being an accomplished dancer, Ailsa is a massage therapist and health educator who will bring to the weekend guidance about healthy dancing.

Music: Don Bartlett and Blair Mackenzie.  This duo creates beautiful dance music together.

Start preparing your act for the Saturday night ceilidh!

Dancing is at historic Upper Stoney Lake pavilion, a 5-minute drive from Pine Vista resort. 
accommodation with Pine Vista 1-800-634-2848 to receive a 10% event discount.
www.pinevista.com for info about the resort).

Downloads:  2025-StoneyLake-brochure.pdf    2025-StoneyLake-registration-form.doc  
2025-StoneyLake-Teacher-Bios.docx       2025-StoneyLake-Musician-Bios.docx    

Questions? call  Jim Armstrong, Event Chair, 905-706-0623.  Registration details will be circulated early in the New Year.

Note:  this weekend is designed for intermediate and higher dancing levels. Here’s a note about the enjoyment and experience of 2024 weekend.

May 30 - June 1  ~    Youth Branch Weekend Away, Ottawa

Save the date:
Teachers: Sarah Ferguson & Jody Kulas

Musicians: Henry Cobb (piano) & James Matej MacQueen (fiddle)

Evening dance on May 31 open to all!

Download: 2025-Youth-Weekend-Away-Ottawa-poster.pdf
More details closer to the event, or check:  www.rscds-youth.org

HOT TIP • • • • •  If you are a member of RSCDS Youth Branch,
scholarships are available to attend this event, Deadline Jan 31st, 2025

June 13-15  ~    CAMMAC SCD Retreat, Harrington, Quèbec

Save the date: The CAMMAC Scottish Country Dance Retreat is back! 
This all-inclusive weekend is hosted by RSCDS Ottawa Branch at a beautiful,
rustic resort in the Gatineau.  

Teachers: 1: Robert McOwen (USA)   2: Andrew Nolan (UK)   3: Tristan Gerrie (Toronto)

Music by:  Atlantic Firth

You won't want to miss this! So mark your calendars now. 

More info will be posted here:  https://www.rscdsottawa.ca/branch-events

June 25 - 29  ~    Summer Course, Kuckucksnest, Schlüchtern

Hosted by RSCDS Scottish Dancing Central Germany Branch

Level: Intermediate / Advanced

Teacher: Deb Lees, UK

Musician: Silke Großholz, Piano

Language: English

Total fee incl. lessons, meals, accommodation: 369,00 € for non-members, 354,00 € for members

Start: Wednesday, with supper at 19:00 h

End: Sunday, after breakfast    Pre-Registration

Sunday, June 29, @ 3pm  ~    Dancing in Grandiosity — Victoria Hall, Cobourg

Treat yourself to a grand experience dancing in a glorious space! Cobourg Scottish Country Dancers are thrilled to invite you to their annual dance in the grandiose Concert Hall, Cobourg, Ontario.  (Cobourg is about 100 km east of Toronto)

We’ll have suitably grand live music by Blair Mackenzie on fiddle and Helen Batten on piano.
Sunday June 29 at 3pm — Tickets are just $25, and must be purchased in advance.
For tickets, contact
joanne.racic@gmail.com  For further info: cobourgscd@gmail.com

Downloads:  2025-Cobourg-Dance-Poster.pdf    2025-Cobourg-Dance-cribs+links.pdf   

The beautiful Concert Hall is on the 2nd storey of Victoria Hall,
55 King Street W, Cobourg, ON

July 4-7  +  July 7-12  ~    Pinewoods Scottish Sessions

Each summer RSCDS Boston hosts the legendary Pinewoods Scottish Sessions,
with your choice of two weeks. Pinewoods is a ‘bucket list’ experience for Scottish country dancers.

Save the dates — and watch this space for more info as it becomes available,
subscribe to the Pinewoods mailing list.

July 5-12  ~    Australian Winter School

The 48th Australian Winter School will be a 4-star resort in Shoal Bay, which is north of Sydney. 

Teachers include: 
• Rachel Shankland (Scotland)
• Andrea Wells (New Zealand)
• Simone Strutt (Hunter Valley)

For information and updates, visit:  https://www.rscds.org.au/winter-school.html#/

Registration is open:  here

Download:  2025 Australian Winter School poster.jpg

July 13 - Aug 10  ~    Summer School in St Andrews, Scotland

Your choice of four weeks:  Summer School is an action-packed four weeks of dancing in the beautiful historic town of St Andrews. Come and join with dancers from around the world and be led by some of the best of Scottish Country Dance teachers and musicians. This is a ‘Bucket List’ event for Scottish country dancers, worldwide. You will meet new friends, learn new skills, and have a wonderful time. Don’y miss the experience of the evening dances in legendary Younger Hall. The floor is unbelievable springy! Every week there is a ‘ceilidh’ evening where dancers unknown to each other before get together and perform beautiful music, or silly skits, dances, or… whatever talent they have. Joy and laughter abound.

Aug 3 - 10  ~    T.A.C. Summer School in Sherbrooke, Québec

Join dancers from far and wide for a week of dancing fun at beautiful Bishop’s University.

1  Rebecca Blackhall-Peters, B.C.     2  Linda Henderson, California 
3  Cecily Selling, Pennsylvania          4  Andrew Nolan, UK

Music Director: 

Gary Thomas, California

Registration opens Spring 2025. 

Check the Teachers’ Association (Canada) website for updates.

October 16 - 19  ~    Autumn Course, Kuckucksnest, Schlüchtern

Hosted by RSCDS Scottish Dancing Central Germany Branch

Level: Higher Intermediate

Teacher: Florence Burgy, Switzerland

Musician: Silke Grosholz, Piano

Language: English/German

Total fee incl. lessons, meals, accommodation: 303,00 € for non-members, 288,00 € for members

Start: Thursday, with supper at 19:00 h

End: Sunday, after lunch        Pre-Registration

October 17-19  ~    Budapest Weekend, Hungary

RSCDS Budapest is very active, they do many special events, and they love to dance well.

Teacher:   Heather Cowan

Musicians: Shona MacFadyen & Ewan Galloway

Thursday, 16 Oct  18:00 - 21:00  ??? Evening club dance for early arrivals

Friday, 17 Oct     17:00 - 20:00  Registration        20:00 - 23:30  Welcome dance

Saturday, 18 Oct     Workshop with coffee break, lunch, ball walkthru, Gala dinner??? , Ball

Sunday, 19 Oct    10:00 - 13:00    Workshop with coffee break    13:00 - 14:00 Picnic lunch??

Info:  www.bstk.hu/ball2025

Saturday, November 8 ~    Combined Ball, Kitchener

Save the Date  

Please join Kitchener-Waterloo Branch of the RSCDS (est. 1960) & The Blair Scottish Country Dancers (est.1980)  for our Combined Ball. We shall dance on the Sprung Wood floor at the Alpine Club in Kitchener to the music of Don Bartlett & The Scottish Heirs

More details to follow.

Download reminder poster:  2025-Combined-Ball-poster.pdf

November 19 - 23 ~    November Course, Kuckucksnest, Schlüchtern

Hosted by RSCDS Scottish Dancing Central Germany branch

Level: Very Advanced

Teacher: Andrew Timmins

Musician: Stefan Schatz, Piano

Language: English

Total fee incl. lessons, meals, accommodation:

377,00 € for non-members, 362,00 € for members

Start: Wednesday, with supper at 19:00 h

End: Sunday, after breakfast        Pre-Registration