
2024 / 2025


Membership Period:  October 1st — September 30th

Membership is about maintaining a vibrant community of Scottish country dancers. The Toronto Association is planning a return to most of the activities and events we enjoyed pre-covid. There is a full list of planned monthly dances and other events on the What’s On page.

    Fun, fitness, and friendship shall once again prevail — and won’t we be HAPPY to embrace new dance opportunities with music and friends! 

    We have three easy ways to RENEW your membership and/or to join us in this worldwide community.  Of the options, we recommend fast and easy Interac e-Transfer. It’s convenient and it avoids transaction fees.

    You will find a new question on your Membership form; we ask if you are over age 60 (yes or no). Why we ask …  Some venues offer discounted rent if 80% of the group is over age 60. 

    Questions?  Contact Membership Director, Carol Ann Boothby

Membership Categories, 2024-25 Season:  (Other options are listed on Membership Forms)

  1. Single Adult Membership: $77       • Joint Membership: $141    • Spouse of Life Member:  $70

  2. Keep In Touch Membership (receipt of our newsletter each month):  $26

  3. Young Adult Membership (18-34 yrs): $48      • Under 18 yrs and Life Members: $0 

NB: Society subscription RSCDS Toronto pays on our behalf: Single £28 - Joint £45 - Young Adult £22


Membership benefits:

  1. Membership in the Toronto Association automatically makes you a member of the global Royal Scottish Country Dance Society based in Edinburgh. You belong to the international Scottish country dance community and have the opportunity to dance at RSCDS events, and with RSCDS affiliates around the world.

  2. The RSCDS sends you their Scottish Country Dancer twice yearly.

  3. The Toronto Association newsletter, Set&Link, is sent to you ten times/year. 

  4. Participation in Toronto Association events throughout the year including the Toronto Workshop, Monthly Dances, The Tartan Ball, and Dancing in the Park.

  5. Live music by internationally respected Scottish dance musicians at Toronto Association events.

  6. Discounts at Monthly Dances and the Toronto Workshop.

  7. Discounts on merchandise on the RSCDS website.


Safety First…

Emergency Contact: 

Occasionally, there’s a medical emergency while dancing. Dancers are reminded to have their emergency contact information on their person at all Scottish county dance events.

COVID Protocols: 

1. Vaccinations against COVID are highly recommended for those attending an RSCDS Toronto Event.

2. Masks are recommended but not mandatory.

  1. 3.Do not attend an RSCDS Toronto event if:
    • you have symptoms of COVID or any other contagious disease;
    • you tested positive for COVID in the last
    7 days;
    • any close contact tested positive for COVID
    in the last 7 days.

  2. 4.Hand Sanitizer is available at all RSCDS Toronto Events.



re-MEMBER me! ~ Payment Options

Please submit both your Membership form and your payment. Access the Membership forms by clicking on the blue link for your chosen method of payment.   

1.  Interac e-Transfer

Easy, if you do online banking. Transactions are usually free, and it avoids a 3% fee for TA.

Sign in to your on-line bank account and, if you are a new user, register for Interac e-Transfer.

Add as a recipient, and complete the payment.

2.  PayPal

PayPal also accepts VISA and MasterCard. There is a 3% transaction fee to RSCDS Toronto.

3.  2024-25-Membership-form.pdf

Print, complete, and post it with your cheque to:

     RSCDS Toronto Membership Director, 12 Markwood Crescent, Etobicoke M9C 1L2

New Members applying for the first time:
Use any of the 3 payment options. You will be warmly welcomed into our community.

  1. Privacy Policy: Your personal data will only be used for RSCDS Toronto Association and RSCDS (the Society) purposes and will not be shared with other organizations.

  2. Images: Notice will be posted at events where photos and/or video may be taken. Please inform the event convenor if you do not wish your image to be used.

  1. Members can join the Board:  Nominations for RSCDS Toronto Board positions

  2. The Nomination Committee prepares a slate of nominees to be presented for approval at the Annual General Meeting in April each year.

  3. Any member of RSCDS TA can nominate a fellow member for a position on the TA Board.

  4. To volunteer, offer your suggestions, or for further information, please contact Colin Campbell

  5. Download:  Board-Nomination-Form.pdf