What’s On: Near
2025: Saturday March 8 ~ Beginners’ Night Dance
At Havergal College Junior School Gym <map>
Doors open 7:30 ~ Dancing starts 8pm
Briefers: Teresa Lockhart + Jean Noble
Download: 2025-March.8-Dance-briefs+links.pdf
✦ Adult Members - $27 ✦ Adult Non-Members - $32
✦ Young Adult Members (18-34yrs) - $15
✦ Youth (under 18yrs) - $5 ✦ Spectators - $5
✦ Special Discount for those enrolled in Beginner Classes: only $15
Sunday, March 16 ~ Deirdre’s Dances, and More
Taught by Deirdre & Keith Bark.
For intermediate and advanced dancers.
Cost is $10 (cash only) at the door. Spectators are welcome.
UPSTAIRS at Broadlands Community Centre, 19 Castlegrove Blvd, Don Mills <map>
2025: March 22 ~ West End Workshop
Musicians Don Bartlett and Blair Mackenzie.
Adults $85 and Youth (35 & under) $50.
Where: Humberwood Community Centre,
850 Humberwood Blvd, Etobicoke <map>
Brochure/Registration: 2025-West-End-Workshop.pdf
Tea Dance Programme/links: 2025-WEW-Tea-Dance-Programme.pdf
We will have a sale table of a few items, mostly from Barbara Taylor, a former Toronto teacher. The miscellany includes nicely framed prints of art by Scottish artists relating
to specific dances; perhaps your favourite dance is among them. Also, a selection of dance
CDs and dance books. In addition… a silent auction of figurines representing dancers,
a piper, and a laird. Pay by cash, cheque or e-transfer.
2025: March 23 ~ West End Teachers’ Workshop
The workshop is open to teachers, teacher candidates,
and CTIs. Light refreshments will be served.
$15 (cash please). Doors open at 1:45pm.
Alderwood Community Centre, Etobicoke <map>
Plenty of free parking.
For more info: Arlene Koteff
Saturday, March 29 ~ Dances learned in the Newcastle Area
Taught by Alma Smith.
For intermediate and advanced dancers.
Cost is $10 (cash only) at the door. Spectators are welcome.
2025: April 12 ~ April Monthly Dance
At Havergal College Junior School Gym <map>
Doors open 7:30 ~ Dancing starts 8pm
Briefers: Erica de Gannes + Halyna Sydorenko
2025: May 10 ~ West Toronto Ball
The 2025 West Toronto Ball will be held in the beautiful banquet hall at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 101.
The hall was recently renovated and it has a lovely new wood floor — perfect for dancing.
Wonderful Live Music: Scotch & Soda and our own piper!
The programme comprises a lovely selection of dances suited to delight both newer and experienced dancers.
All dances will be briefed and walked.
We’ll have a Welcome Reception, a delicious 4-course meal (Menu) and … full cash bar!
Early Bird Special — $125 per person (same price as 2023) [ends April 12]
$130 per person April 13-29. No refunds after April 29.
Purchase tickets on-line https://form.jotform.com/200554783196057
Purchase tickets by mail using this Order-Form
Questions… Contact West Toronto Ball Registrar: Susanne
Venue: Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 101 is at 3850 Lake Shore Blvd W, Toronto. <map>
There’s free parking, and it’s right next to the T.T.C. bus loop and the GO Transit station!
To post your event, send Rob Lockhart a brief write-up, with Date, Time, Location, Cost, Contact Info, and brochure/sign-up form.
To place your event, or an article, in our monthly newsletter, Set&Link, send info to Suzanne Dubeau by the 10th of each month.
Safety First…
Emergency Contact:
Occasionally, there’s a medical emergency while dancing. Dancers are reminded to have emergency contact info on their person at all Scottish county dance events.
Protocol to Prevent the Spread of Infectious Diseases:
1. The Toronto Association highly recommends that dancers keep their COVID vaccinations up to date.
2. Seasonal vaccines for flu and other respiratory infections are also highly recommended.
3. Masks are recommended but not mandatory.
4. DO NOT attend any RSCDS Toronto event or social group if:
• you have symptoms of illnesses such as COVID, flu,
or other contagious disease;
• you tested positive for COVID in the past 7 days or have symptoms of respiratory infection, such as sore throat, fever, or unexplained cough, runny nose, or congestion; or
• you have a household member or close contact who tested positive for COVID in the last 7 days or has symptoms of a contagious respiratory infection.
5. Hand sanitizer is available at all RSCDS Toronto events.